- Before April 1, check that your irrigation ditch is free of leaves & debris. If your neighbor needs help, see if you can check theirs as well.
- Keep your lateral ditch, culverts and trash catchers (grates) clear of debris and blockages to prevent flooding.
- Turn the water into your property as needed at your scheduled time and off at the conclusion.
- Control water levels so they do not flood onto your neighbor’s yard.
- Each Stockholder (with the help of neighbor Stockholders) is responsible for cleaning his/her lateral to the diversion point from the main ditch, and for keeping it clean throughout the irrigation season (April 1st to September 30th).
- When you join the Water Company, the water master or lateral captain will give you an irrigation schedule that notes when you and your neighbors may use the water and for how long. You will also be provided with other information such as how to divert water from the main ditch into your lateral, and securing the head gate before and after your turn.
- Your schedule will include a list of all your neighbor water users along with their address so you can locate other users and coordinate their scheduled turns with yours. It is important to let your neighbors or lateral captain know when you don’t plan to use your water; and on some laterals, it’s standard practice to contact the next water user on the schedule once you are finished.
- Set up Group Text Messages – It’s pretty clear—laterals that communicate, share water, and remember to fill in for one-another, have fewer problems, fewer floods, and fewer calls to the Water Masters.
Emergency Contacts have been identified on the BY and the FJN. Copies of those lists will be sent to all shareholders, and shared with all neighbors along your ditch in the “Neighborhood Flier.”
- If the water is not available when it’s your turn, you should try to find the water by walking the ditch or by calling other users. If you are still unsuccessful, contact your lateral captain who will troubleshoot the problem with you or with the water master.
- If you see someone dump debris like oil, weeds, or grass clippings into our ditch.
- If you see water flowing when or where it shouldn’t. You are responsible for your run-off irrigation water—excess water you do not use during your turn. Make sure that all excess water is being diverted into a safe outlet, and not headed into your neighbor’s basement. Contact a Board Member or Water Master.
- Please note that water shares (stock) stays with you, the shareholder, and not with your property. You will want to sell or give your stock to the new homeowner or to another member on your ditch, and then the stock certificate can be transferred into the new owner’s name.
- If you have questions about assessments, stock transfers, buying or selling Class A shares (irrigation water), buying or selling Class B Shares (Culinary water Hookups for new construction), contact the Secretary/Treasurer. Thank you for paying assessments on time.
- Encourage your neighbors to join and then help them to get started. Our Water Company is stronger when there are more shareholders. Reasonably priced water is a precious resource that we want to keep in our neighborhood.
- Volunteer. It doesn’t take much to keep our Water Company running smoothly when everyone pitches in. Help your neighbor, remove litter from the ditch on your morning walk, become a Lateral Captain, or offer to share a skill or service.