About Us

2024 Shareholder Annual Meeting was held on Tuesday, April 30th at the Canyon Rim Academy, 3005 South 2900 East, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.

Contact the Water Master about water or scheduling issues.  Contact an Officer or the office with any planned ditch modifications or changes, and in case of emergency.  For questions about joining the Water Company, buying & selling Class A shares (irrigation water), assessments (bills) and stock transfers, send an email to: secretary@eastmillcreekwater.com. The list below is current as of January, 2024.

Officers, as of March, 2023:

Andrew Greaves, President,  Board Member for the Amos Neff Ditch 801-815-3110 only in case of emergency, otherwise please call 801-882-1173. andrew.d.greaves@gmail.com

Rich Matheson , Vice President, Board Member at large for the Amos Neff Ditch  801-694-5465 only in case of emergency, otherwise call 801-882-1173. rmm@jenkinsbagley.com

Lance Hobbs, Treasurer and Secretary, Board Member for the Brigham Young Ditch, secretary@eastmillcreekwater.com

Secretary: secretary@eastmillcreekwater.com

Board Members:

Les Carter, Board Member for the Franklin John Neff Ditch

Phil Millet, Board Member at large for the Brigham Young Ditch

Taylor Davis, Board Member for the Brigham Young Ditch

Steve Anderson, Board Member at large of the Franklin John Neff Ditch
(801) 430-3996, slanderson3778@gmail.com

EMCW Co. monthly board meeting open to shareholders

The monthly board meeting for the East Mill Creek Water Company is held on the second Tuesday of each month, and shareholders are invited to attend. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Millcreek Library large meeting room. If anyone attending wishes to raise a question or speak to an issue, they should contact the secretary in advance of the meeting by email at secretary@eastmillcreekwater.com, to be put on the agenda.

Water Masters:

Brigham Young Ditch:  Nicole Chandler (801) 856-1686

Franklin John Neff Ditch:  Greg Roach (801) 330-3120

Amos Neff  raffiebezdjian@gmail.com